Britanny, a student at the University  of South Carolina, shared her thoughts about YouScience Discovery with us:

“I completed the YouScience assessment in high school. The results gave me confidence to choose the best college and major for me. Currently, I’m enrolled at the University of South Carolina.

My YouScience results provided detailed information, which I enjoyed reviewing. The specific information on my aptitudes was very different from any other career tests I’ve taken in the past. Also my results gave me specific job titles which were very helpful; they were like the ones on a job search website.

The information on my aptitudes allowed me to learn more about myself and how others might perceive me. This was a benefit for my personal growth, as I enter college, and the “key words” help me better present my abilities during job interviews or school projects.

My results from the YouScience assessment gave me more confidence and helped me understand more about myself. Whether it is through me sharing my own experience or through the confidence I have in the major I have chosen, I hope others will be encouraged to take advantage of YouScience for themselves!”