Tests and exams can be one of the most challenging and stressful times for a student. It is not uncommon to even experience nightmares living out worst-case scenarios in their mind’s eye, which can result in the student performing even worse.

Meditation is an ancient practice that is being used by more and more students trying to improve their test performances. There have been studies that show many positive benefits of meditation, including emotion regulation and increased response flexibility.

But can meditation also help increase students’ test scores and performance?

The Effects of Mindfulness Training on Test Scores

A study conducted by Santa Barbara researchers sought to answer this exact question. The researchers had a group of students undertake a two-week mindfulness training course to see if effective mindfulness techniques could aid these students in their test performance.

Those who participated in the training course were then asked to take a GRE reading comprehension test. The researchers found that the students performed better in their exams, obtaining significantly higher scores on average.

How to Practice Mindful Meditation

Mindfulness is a tool that helps train your mind to not aimlessly wander and instead focus on the present task at hand. It is a skill that needs to be developed and maintained.

Sitting meditation is a popular choice for before test meditation, as it can increase mindfulness.

Here are some tips on how to practice sitting meditation:

  • Sit cross-legged in a quiet, relaxing environment.
  • Close your eyes and begin paying attention to everything your body does.
  • Begin taking deep breaths.
  • Gradually let every thought and task fade and focus on how your body feels in the present moment.
  • Clear your mind of everything related to the past and future. Focus on the present.

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